Solar panels have gained a reputation for their ability to generate absolutely free and clean electricity from the Sun’s energy. They are not only in high demand but the innovation in the solar sector has been revved up by the recent advancements. While discussing or reading on solar energy you must have heard the word efficiency a lot. Companies proudly use this word alongside a percentage to show how superior their solar panels are. Today, we are going to dig deep into this word, what it is used for and what factors contribute in determining the efficiency of a solar panel. We will also discuss some of the most efficient solar panels in Pakistan.
What is the Efficiency of a Solar Panel?
Solar panel efficiency is the measure of the solar energy that is converted into usable electricity from the sunlight absorbed by the panel. For instance, if a solar panel has 20% efficiency, it means that it is able to convert 20% of the sunlight hitting it into electricity. It is done by absorbing the energy from the Sun and transmitting it via the flow of current through wirings to the inverter. The inverter further converts the Direct current produced to Alternating current. The more efficient a panel is, the greater amount of electricity is produced from the sunlight hitting it and vice versa. The latest solar panels in the market today have an efficiency of up to 24% while the regular solar panel efficiency ranges between 17 to 19 percent.
Factors Affecting Solar Panel Efficiency
Solar panel efficiency has increased by a significant number since the time they were first introduced. Today they are around 4 times more efficient than the ones that Bell laboratories invented in 1960s. There are many factors that affect the efficiency of a solar panel and the primary contributing factors are as below:
- Panel Material Type
- Thermodynamic Capability
- Reflectance ability
Panel Material Type
The Solar Panel material refers to the composition and make of the solar panel. The Solar Panels can be classified into two types based on their form and build. These two types are:
- Monocrystalline
- Polycrystalline
The monocrystalline solar panels are made up of smooth silicon crystals which gives them the ability to be more productive and efficient. Comparatively, polycrystalline solar panels are made of fragments of silicon which renders them to be less efficient and less productive.
Thermodynamic Capability
It is the height of production of electricity in a solar panel. At this point the maximum solar energy is being converted into the electricity. Past this thermodynamic point, all the energy is dissipated as heat and thus causes the solar panels to get warm, further reducing their efficiency. The thermodynamic capability of a solar panel can be increased by making multi-junction solar cells and dividing the solar spectrum to smaller sections.
Reflectance Ability
The reflectance ability means the capacity of a solar panel to absorb maximum sunlight to convert into electricity and reflect minimum amount of it. The greater the reflectance ability of a solar panel, the lesser the efficiency. Most of the solar panels use glass as covering which is an important component of a solar panel and because of their high transparency, reflect a very small portion of sunlight. The solar panels today also use an anti-reflective coating on the other side to reduce reflectance ability except for bifacial solar panels.
Environmental Factors Affecting the Efficiency
The environmental factors that can affect the efficiency of a solar panel system include shade and weather. You can take care of the shading factor by eliminating the cause of the shade. If it is because of a building, you can use a solar canopy of reposition your panels. If it is because of a tree, it can be trimmed or cut off. While cutting of a tree seems like the opposite of the purpose of installing a solar panel system, remember that the carbon footprint that will be offset by the system will be far more than that of a single tree. As far as the weather is concerned, you cannot do anything about it but it is a temporary issue and occurs rarely.
The Top Most Efficient Solar Panels in Pakistan
There are a number of solar panel companies offering solar plates with variable efficiencies to the customers. However, only a handful of companies boast of their panels’ efficiency which surpasses the competition in the market. The top most efficient solar panels in Pakistan market today include:
Ja Solar Jam72s30/Mr
The JA Solar is one of the most renowned solar panel providers in Pakistan and all over the world. In Pakistan’s market, their model JAM72S30/MR which is named as a 72Cell MBB Half-cell module has a very high production capacity and efficiency. The module can produce up to 530W of electricity with an operating efficiency of up to 21.3%. It is one of the highest among all the modules available in Pakistan today.
Canadian Solar CS3Y Hiku5
Canadian Solar is another top tier solar module manufacturer that produces highly reliable panels. Their model CS3Y HiKu5, named High Power Dual Cell PERC Module is one of the most efficient and productive solar panels available in the market. This solar panel has a production capacity of up to 480W and an efficiency reaching up to 21.2%.
Longi Solar Hi-Mo 4m
Longi is a globally acknowledged solar panel producer which is also offering its modules in Pakistan. Longi manufactures durable, efficient and highly productive solar panels. Its model Hi-Mo 4M with the name LR4-72HPH has a capacity to generate up to 450W of electricity with an efficiency of up to 20.7% that makes it one of the most productive and efficient panels.
All these highly efficient solar panels are available at Premier Energy. You can reach out to us via call, email or live chat through our website to inquire about the solar systems and panels that will be the Best Investment for You. Our solar experts will guide you through it.
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