Like most of the solar panel technology, bifacial solar panels have been around since 1960s but has not reached the required efficiency until recently. They have now become operational and many solar manufacturers are producing these solar panels on a large scale now. Some energy experts even predict that the sales of these panels will increase tenfold in the coming four to five years. These solar panels are more productive than the regular monofacial solar panels but use the same PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact) technology. This blog will brief you on bifacial panels, their working and advantages.
What is A Bifacial Solar Panel?
The bifacial solar panels are the ones that can produce electricity upon exposure to sunlight from both the top and the bottom sides of the panel. They differ from the monofacial panels which can produce electricity only from one side.
How Are Bifacial Solar Panels Made?
The bifacial solar panels are composed of semi-conductors just like regular panels but their front and back, both sides are covered by transparent materials. The front is usually protected by a glass covering while the posterior may have glass or sheet covering. These panels are usually monocrystalline in nature but polycrystalline form can also be produced. The only reason it is not manufactured is that monocrystalline are better in terms of efficiency and productivity as compared to polycrystalline ones. These solar panels mostly come without an outer frame and are usually border frame-less. The other components are also so designed to cast a minimum shade on the rear end of the panels to maximize production.
How Do Bifacial Solar Panels Work?
The top solar cells of a bifacial solar panel framework face the sun, so they absorb maximum sun beams directly. The top solar cells work like those of a traditional solar panel while the rear solar cells absorb light that reflects off the ground. This light is called albedo light and it is called albedo effect. White or light tones reflect better than dull tones. Painting a white or silver surface on a rooftop or solid carport under the panels gives a similar impact, as well. Studies show that a white surface reflects over 80% of albedo light. This is one of the reasons these panels produce more electricity in snowy winters.
To enhance the activity of the underside cells, utilizing prevalent silicon in monocrystalline cells is best. Dissimilar to monofacial solar panel frameworks that are put in racks corresponding to a surface, for example, a housetop, bifacials produce more energy when they are calculated off of the rooftop or ground at different degrees. Since daylight ricochets off of all articles brilliantly at various points, bifacial solar panels are better ready to catch a greater amount of it. They are even profitable on shady days when monofacial solar cells are at a more noteworthy drawback. To deliver two energy tops for the duration of the day, half of the bifacials in an exhibit can be leaned eastward to catch dawn and morning beams; the subsequent half, toward the west, to absorb evening force and nightfall beams.
By placing the bifacial panel in a vertical position, one can have a twofold peak every day. During each highpoint, the impression of daylight on the opposite side of the solar panels will likewise add to energy creation. A preferred position of a vertical framework is that day off sand blown over in climate occasions won’t hinder it’s working.
Advantages of a Bifacial Solar Panel
Bifacial solar modules offer exclusive advantages over regular solar panels:
- Better performance
- Higher efficiency
- Greater productivity
- Comparable cost with the regular ones
- Better than using trackers
- More durable
- Saves space
Efficiency Comparison
The bifacial solar panels have the capability to produce electricity from both the sides and this is because of the reason that they have glass coverings on both the upper and rear sides. This also makes them comparatively more productive than their counter parts. The table below shows a minor comparison of bifacial solar panels with its counterparts.
Panel type | Efficiency |
Monofacial Polycrystalline | 18% + |
Monofacial Monocrystalline | 15-17% |
Monofacial Thin-film | 11-15% |
Bifacial Monocrystalline | 20% + |
Are Bifacial Solar Panels Right For Your Home?
Bifacial solar panels are on the rise and have been in the use for the past few years but not many residential solar systems have had them in use. These panels have mostly been used in large commercial installations with space constraints. Overall, these solar panels are a great choice for residential solar systems in Pakistan. Most of the roofs in Pakistan have concrete or brick roofs which are not the right reflective material for these panels but they anyhow increase the productivity. The marble roofs or white painted roofs are the best for installation of these solar plates.
Availability in Pakistan
These solar panels are not yet available in Pakistan as most of the companies are still dealing in only the monofacial monocrystalline solar panels which are comparatively more affordable than the bifacial ones. These panels will see a reduction in price in the coming years and will hopefully be available in Pakistan for use.
Premier Energy is currently working on bringing the latest solar products in Pakistan and bifacial solar panels are on our list of products to bring in Pakistan. Currently, we are bringing the 650 Watt solar panels in Pakistan which will serve as a breakthrough for the people who wish to switch to solar in Pakistan. As soon as it will be feasible to bring these double-faced solar panels, Premier Energy will be among the first few to make them available and will definitely be the first one to bring them at the most pocket-friendly rates.
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- By: PE Admin
- Tags: best solar companies in lahore, best solar company, best solar company in lahore, bifacial solar modules, solar companies, solar companies in lahore, solar company, solar company in lahore, solar energy, solar system, What are Bifacial Solar Modules and How Do They Work?
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