Panasonic Solar Panels in Pakistan

Solar System in Pakistan

Best Solar System in Pakistan

Why you need Solar System in Pakistan? Pakistan is an agricultural country, however, the industrial sector needs to be improved if the country wants to get a stable economy. The most severe among the challenges that commercial, industrial, residential, or people belonging to any domain are experiencing is the shortage of electricity and increasing energy crises. To increase the production of electricity, reliance on fossil fuel has expanded, which has led to even worse consequences, and today Pakistan is also suffering from environmental problems. This backlash means we cannot depend upon traditional fuels if we want to progress as a nation. The solution is to use renewable energy. Government has to take initiatives to not only install renewable energy power plants but to help people convert to solar energy for the generation of clean, green electricity. Businesses, industries, and homeowners can overcome their electricity problems by using solar energy as well, as it is cheap and accessible as compared to other sources of renewable energy. Premier Energy has been spreading awareness and has aided many people to convert to the use of alternative energy by making it easy to get a Solar System in Pakistan.

Solar System Components:

A solar system comprises several key components that work together to harness sunlight and convert it into usable electricity. Each part plays a crucial role in the overall functionality of the system. Let’s delve into the main components of a solar system:

Solar Panels

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are the heart of a solar system. They are responsible for capturing sunlight and converting it into direct current (DC) electricity through the photovoltaic effect. These panels are made up of an array of solar cells, typically crafted with semiconductor materials like silicon.

Solar Inverters

The electricity produced by solar panels is in the form of direct current (DC), but most of the appliances and electrical devices in our homes and industries run on alternating current (AC). Inverters are devices that convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into usable AC electricity.

Mounting System

The mounting system holds the solar panels securely in place and ensures they are properly angled to receive maximum sunlight throughout the day. There are various types of mounting systems, including roof mounts, ground mounts, and tracking mounts.

Batteries (For Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems)

In off-grid and hybrid solar systems, batteries are used to store excess electricity generated during sunny periods. These batteries provide power during cloudy days or at night when solar panels are not producing electricity. This storage capability allows for greater energy independence and reliability.

Charge Controllers (For Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems)

Charge controllers regulate the charge going into the batteries to prevent overcharging and ensure their longevity. They help optimize the charging process, maximizing the efficiency of the battery storage system.

Electrical Wiring and Connections

Proper electrical wiring and connections are essential to ensure the smooth flow of electricity from the solar panels to the inverter and eventually to the electrical appliances or grid connection. High-quality wiring and connectors reduce power losses and ensure safety.

Monitoring System

A monitoring system allows homeowners, businesses, or industrial facilities to keep track of their solar system’s performance in real time. It provides valuable insights into energy production, consumption, and system health, enabling users to optimize their energy usage.

Grid Connection (For On-Grid Systems)

In on-grid solar systems, there is a connection to the local utility grid. Any excess electricity generated by the solar panels can be fed back into the grid, earning credits or revenue for the system owner through net metering or feed-in tariffs.

Grounding and Lightning Protection

Grounding and lightning protection systems are crucial for the safety of solar installation. They help direct any electrical surges, such as lightning strikes, safely into the ground, protecting the system and nearby structures.

By integrating these components effectively, a solar system can efficiently harness renewable energy from the sun and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for Pakistan.

How Solar Systems Work

Solar systems work on the principle of converting sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic technology. Here’s a simplified explanation of how solar systems work:

Solar Panel Absorption

When sunlight falls on the solar panels, it is absorbed by the photovoltaic cells within the panels. These cells are made of semiconductor materials, like silicon, that have the property of generating an electric charge when exposed to sunlight.

Photovoltaic Effect

The absorbed sunlight excites electrons in the semiconductor material, creating an electric current. This particular phenomenon is termed the photovoltaic effect. The solar panels consist of multiple interconnected cells, and the combined effect of these cells generates a direct current (DC) of electricity.

Inverter Conversion

Since most electrical appliances and the power grid operate on alternating current (AC), the DC electricity produced by the solar panels needs to be converted into AC electricity. This is where the solar inverter comes into action. The inverter converts the DC electricity into AC electricity, making it compatible with household and industrial appliances.

Electricity Usage

The converted AC electricity can now be used to power electrical devices and appliances in homes, businesses, or industries. Solar energy can directly power these loads, reducing the dependency on the traditional electrical grid and fossil fuel-based electricity.

Excess Electricity and Grid Connection (For On-Grid Systems)

In on-grid solar systems, any excess electricity generated by the solar panels can be fed back into the local utility grid. This surplus electricity is usually credited to the system owner through net metering, reducing their electricity bills. During periods of low solar generation, such as at night, electricity is drawn from the grid as usual.

Energy Storage (For Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems)

In off-grid and hybrid solar systems, excess electricity is stored in batteries. These batteries store energy during sunny periods and discharge it when there is no sunlight available. This capability allows for continuous power supply even during periods of low solar generation.

Solar systems offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to generate electricity, reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner and greener future for Pakistan.

Benefits of Solar Systems in Pakistan:

Solar energy offers numerous benefits for Pakistan, addressing various challenges and providing a path toward sustainable development. Here are some key benefits of solar systems in Pakistan:

Clean and Renewable Energy

Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power, harnessing energy from the sun, which is abundant and inexhaustible. It does not produce harmful emissions or contribute to air pollution, making it environmentally friendly.

Energy Independence

By investing in solar systems, Pakistan can reduce its dependence on imported fossil fuels, leading to greater energy independence and enhanced energy security.

Cost Savings

Solar energy can significantly reduce electricity bills for households, businesses, and industries. Once the initial investment is made, the operational costs of solar systems are relatively low, as sunlight is free.

Job Creation

The deployment and maintenance of solar systems create job opportunities in various sectors, from manufacturing and installation to research and development.

Grid Stability and Load Management

By generating electricity close to the point of consumption, solar systems can help alleviate the burden on the national grid, leading to improved grid stability and load management.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Adopting solar energy can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, helping Pakistan combat climate change and fulfill its international commitments to environmental sustainability.

Rural Electrification

Solar systems can play a vital role in bringing electricity to remote and underserved areas where grid connectivity is challenging and expensive.

Positive Image and Reputation

Investing in solar energy projects enhances Pakistan’s reputation as a progressive and environmentally responsible nation, attracting potential investors and international support.

By embracing solar energy, Pakistan can address its energy challenges, promote sustainable development, and pave the way for a brighter, greener future.

Solar Systems in Pakistan That We Provide

Premier Energy is the leading solar system company in Pakistan that offers all kinds of solar systems to its clients. Carefully designed, installed with perfection, these systems are highly reliable, durable, and cost-efficient. We have solar systems ranging from small capacities of up to 3KW to large solar power plants of multi megawatts. We provide the following solar systems to our clients from every sector, based upon their requirements and domain

Off-grid Solar System in Pakistan

Perfect for the agriculture and defense sector, the off-grid solar system in Pakistan is mostly used in remote areas where there is no grid connection available. Off-grid solar solutions are reliable since they don’t require a grid connection, but the batteries are an expensive addition. These systems are not recommended if the grid connection is available. Defense installations and posts are usually in remote areas, and also the grid is far from agricultural installations such as tube wells. All these qualities make off-grid a more practical and less expensive solution as compared to an on-grid system. Quote for best Off-Grid Solar System Price in Pakistan.

On-grid Solar System in Pakistan

Grid-tied solar system in Pakistan is the most common type of solar solutions in Pakistan. Premier Energy is the most recognized grid-tie solar solution provider. On-grid systems are mostly utilized in the residential and industrial sectors. The commercial sector is also a user of these solar solutions in Pakistan. A Grid-tie system works in connection with the utility station as they store excess electricity in the grid station. The net metering option makes on-grid solar solutions one of the most used solar systems. Quote for best On-Grid Solar System Price in Pakistan.

Hybrid Solar System in Pakistan

The hybrid solar solution is the most practical solar solution, however, it is not used as actively as grid-tie systems because the batteries get expensive. These are mostly used by consumers from the commercial sector as they can afford batteries as compared to residential customers and the size of the batteries required is not as large as those required by industries. They also allow the net metering making hybrid solar systems in Pakistan the best available option. Quote for best Hybrid Solar System Price in Pakistan.

Why Do You Need To Go Solar?

With eight to nine hours of sunshine per day, the climatic conditions in Pakistan are ideal for solar power generation.

    High Electric Bills?

    Solar Power Services in Pakistan

    Go For Solar With Premier Energy

    Premier Energy being the leading solar company in Pakistan, provides a complete set of services that aims to make every step simple for customers to switch to solar energy. Our services are not only limited to the installation of a solar system, but we also provide after-sales assistance to ensure the most qualitative service level agreement.

    • The list of our services are as following:
    • Fault Apprehension
    • Defect detection of fuses and breakers that are triggering the predicament.
    • Status of Charging and Discharging 
    • Measuring charging and discharging the situation of batteries to improve their life.
    • Keeping the Client Updated
    • Updating the consumer on the state of the system installed.
    • Cleansing of Solar Panels
    • Bi-Monthly washing of solar panels with a Demineralized Water Pumping arrangement to improve the solar panels’ productivity.
    • Call Sustenance
    • 24/7 on-call support service in event of any complaint or solar emergency.
    • Checking up Solar Panels
    • Check- up of solar panels and their mounting arrangement to make certain everything is in position.
    • Optimizing the generation
    • Optimizing the product of the overall solar-powered system to render cost-efficiency.
    • Physical Examination
    • Fortnightly electrical and mechanical inspection of installed inverters.
    • Financing And Budgeting 
    • Making the most viable economic strategies for the installation of the system.
    How We Handle Matters?

    We handle everything from system selection to the installation of a solar system and getting a net meter installed, so you just sit back and see things get done most skillfully. We work 24/7, so everything is done punctually, and you don’t have to wait to receive the profits of your investment.

    Market Reputation

    With our clientele spread across Pakistan, we have more than 90 MWs of installed capacity. We have completed more than 970 projects within just 7 years of starting our operations. We have 14% of shares in total kilowatts net-metered all over Pakistan, which is a large number.

    Solar system package in Pakistan

    Premier Energy gives their services at the most inexpensive Solar System Price in Pakistan, so you always get more profit for a smaller amount.


    We are a certified group authorized by the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), and we are also ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. We also hold the category 1 accreditation under SBP’s revised solar financing program and V1 net metering certificate from AEDB.

    Affordability Concerns:

    Premier Energy recognizes that concerns about the initial cost can be a barrier for many considering a switch to solar energy. We understand the importance of making solar systems financially accessible to all, and our approach addresses these affordability concerns effectively:

    Tailored Financing Options: At Premier Energy, we offer flexible financing options tailored to various budgetary constraints. Our installment plans and customized packages ensure that the financial transition to solar energy is seamless.

    Cost-Effective System Design: Premier Energy places a strong emphasis on designing cost-effective systems. Our commitment is to provide clients with the maximum value for their investment without compromising on the quality of the solar system.

    Long-Term Cost Savings: We emphasize the long-term financial benefits of solar systems, illustrating how they lead to reduced electricity bills and the potential for earning through net metering. The initial investment is a gateway to substantial savings over time.

    Procurement Strategies: Leveraging our strong relationships with global solar manufacturers, Premier Energy employs strategic procurement practices. This allows us to source high-quality solar products at competitive prices, contributing to overall cost-effectiveness.

    Transparent Pricing Model: Transparency is paramount in our pricing model. We ensure that our clients are fully aware of all costs involved, empowering them to make informed decisions about their investment in solar energy.


    You can discuss your solar panel requirement with us and our experts will help you choose a system that will best fit your needs. Our designers are best at designing the whole area and our team will make sure that you have the best experience of your life going solar. Contact Us via call, email, or arrange a meeting with one of our sales experts. What are you waiting for? Go solar and get rid of your worries about bills and load shedding.

    Which Capacity Makes the Best Solar System For Home in Pakistan?

    The solar energy systems are available in several capacities irrespective of the system type you are installing. The required capacity of the system depends upon the electricity usage of the consumer. If the electricity usage is higher, the system capacity will be greater as well. The table below will help you find the right capacity for your electricity utilization.

    300-350 3KW Solar System in Pakistan
    500-600 5KW Solar System in Pakistan
    1100-1200 10KW Solar System in Pakistan
    1700-1800 15KW Solar System in Pakistan
    2300-2400 20KW Solar System in Pakistan
    2800-3000 25KW Solar System in Pakistan
    3500-3600 30KW Solar System in Pakistan
    4000-4200 35KW Solar System in Pakistan

    Premier Energy being the Best Solar Energy Company in Pakistan has got you covered with its other cost-effective Solar Systems in Pakistan so you can conveniently switch to solar energy and gain energy independence. Now you can get the best Solar Panels in Pakistan and Solar Inverters in Pakistan from top-rated global manufacturers without any hassle. Going solar was never this easy and profitable. We are offering Solar System in Pakistan, which includes top-quality products. Dealing with the best inverters, our Solar Inverter makes it the most budget-friendly investment. Through SBP’s Solar Financing scheme, we can facilitate our customers to purchase a solar power system in Pakistan on easy monthly installments. We provide a Net Metering System in Pakistan to let you save and sell back excess electricity to the grid. Find the latest details regarding Solar Packages in Pakistan.

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    People Also Ask


    Why is there a need for solar systems in Pakistan?

    Pakistan faces challenges of electricity shortages and increasing energy crises. To achieve a stable economy and mitigate environmental issues, there is a growing need to shift towards renewable energy sources like solar power.

    What types of solar systems are available in Pakistan?

    In Pakistan, three main types of solar systems are commonly used – On-Grid, Off-Grid, and Hybrid. On-Grid systems are connected to the electricity grid, Off-Grid systems operate independently with batteries, and Hybrid systems combine both grid connection and batteries.

    How does net metering work in Pakistan for on-grid solar systems?

    Net metering allows excess electricity generated by on-grid solar systems to be exported to the grid. Users can draw power from the grid during high usage or at night. In Pakistan, users may even earn money for the excess electricity supplied to the grid.

    What are the future trends in the solar industry?

    Future trends in the solar industry include advancements in solar panel technologies, breakthroughs in energy storage, smart solar solutions utilizing AI and IOT, flexible and transparent solar panels, solar-powered transportation, and innovations in solar-integrated architecture, space-based solar power, community solar projects, and a shift towards a circular economy.

    How does Premier Energy address affordability concerns for solar systems?

    Premier Energy addresses affordability concerns through tailored financing options, guidance on government incentives and subsidies, cost-effective system design, emphasis on long-term cost savings, strategic procurement strategies for competitive pricing, a transparent pricing model, and educational initiatives to empower clients with information.

    What types of solar systems does Premier Energy provide in Pakistan?

    Premier Energy provides Off-Grid, On-Grid, and Hybrid solar systems in Pakistan. Off-grid systems are suitable for areas without grid connectivity, On-Grid systems are widely used in residential and industrial sectors, and Hybrid systems combine the benefits of both grid-tied and off-grid systems.

    How does Premier Energy ensure the quality and reliability of its solar systems?

    Premier Energy ensures quality and reliability by sourcing high-quality products through strategic procurement, transparent pricing, offering after-sales services like fault apprehension, status monitoring, cleansing of solar panels, and regular check-ups to optimize system performance. Additionally, Premier Energy is certified by the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) and holds ISO certifications.

    You’re Guaranteed To Fall In ❤ With The Sun

    Premier Energy is Leading the charge to create a planet run by the sun. We are building a more sustainable world, through making solar simple for customers.

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