A grid-tie solar panel system is very affordable and beneficial, however, if a person is living far away from the grid, getting a connection may get very expensive. This may not be an ideal way to invest in solar energy. Solar energy can be very beneficial when harnessed smartly, and the smart way to deal with this situation is to use the off-grid solar system. The off-grid solar solutions is the one that does not require a connection to the grid to work.
What is an Off-Grid Solar Solutions?
It is a solar solution that requires a system of batteries to work. These batteries come in various capacities depending upon the requirement. These batteries are necessary as they store the excess electricity produced. It cannot offer a net metering connection since there is no network established between the grid and the system.
How Does An Off-Grid System Work?
In an off-grid system, the PV cells generate electricity when the radiations from the sun hit the solar panels. The energy produced by these panels is in the form of Direct Current, and an inverter changes it to Alternating current. This AC is then supplied to the home and the excess electricity produced by the solar cells is stored in the batteries. The off-grid system needs to be designed carefully so, that there is an appropriate number of solar panels and batteries available in the winter as there is no grid connection available.
There are many different components used in an off-grid system which are as follows:
- Solar Panels
- Off-grid inverters
- Backup Generators
- Solar Batteries
- DC Connectors
The off-grid inverter systems have the following advantages:
The off-grid solar panel systems are very reliable because they do not have to be connected to the grid to save electricity. They store electricity directly into the batteries, and so when there is a grid failure or a blackout, these batteries can provide backup. The batteries need to have enough capacity to provide electricity during the night and poor weather conditions.
Reduced Bills
These systems are designed to produce enough electricity for the house so that electricity from the grid is not needed. This helps to reduce the bills to almost zero.
Environmental Conservation
The use of renewable energy reduces the carbon footprints in the environment and thus lead to better environmental conditions. If more people are utilizing solar energy to generate electricity, it means that there is less carbon released to our environment. We need this to save our planet.
Solution for Remote Areas
In the remote areas where the grid connection is not possible or takes a lot of investment, these systems are the ideal choice. They allow you to produce and store electricity without relying on the grid. Most of the military outposts use off-grid systems to avail electricity.
These systems are mobile as they work with solar batteries and thus can be used to power airplanes as well as on the ships to reduce the pollution produced by burning the fuels.
Premier’s Off-grid Solar Solutions
Premier Energy is the top name among the leading solar companies in Pakistan. We provide complete solar solutions customized specially to meet your specific needs. The components of these solar panel systems are bought from branded companies that are the elite in the market so we can provide top-quality services to our customers. Buying off-grid systems can get expensive, however, their practicality, especially for remote areas makes them very reliable as well. To help those who want to buy these systems, we have kept the prices low and affordable.
Premier Energy has solutions for all your energy problems, and if you want to have your questions answered, or want some information, we are available to help you out. All you have to do is to reach out to us, and we will help you in your journey to go solar for a greener, cleaner future.
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