If you are planning to go solar, you are making the right choice. It will not only help you save money on hefty bills but it will also leave a good feeling in your heart because you are doing something good for the environment. Apart from that there are also going to be a lot of other benefits that you will reap so it’s time to make the big investment but before you do it, you should know certain things. Getting all the information before taking the step is very significant to ensure the successful endeavor. In this blog we are going to tell you about some necessary things you need to know before installing your solar system.
Is Your House Suitable For Solar?
The first thing you need to find out is the suitability of your house for solar. This may not be a bigger problem for people living in planned societies but if you are living in city areas where there are no rules and regulations regarding light and air space, your neighboring house may overshadow your house’s solar potential. Similarly, you also need to check out your electricity bill and see if it’s big enough to switch to solar. If you use less than 300 units a month then there may not be any need to switch to solar.
Does Your Roof Need Repairs?
If your house is pretty old, before installing solar panel system on your roof, you need to see if the roof needs any repairs. If it is not checked prior to the installation and any problem occurs after the system is installed, it may disrupt the whole installation of the system.
The Money You Will Save By Going Solar
The third thing you need to know is the money you will save by going solar. You can simply calculate it by the following formula:
The rate of the electricity bill that you pay x the size of your solar panel system
For an elaborated account of how much money you can save, you can check out our Blog that entails details about the topic.
Which Panels/Inverters You Should Buy?
Keep one important thing in mind that you need the best quality for the best results. The quality of the system depends upon the products you choose to buy. There are the following tips you need to keep in mind while buying your solar panels, inverters or batteries.
- Most of the products are made in China and these are good.
- Always check a detailed datasheet of the product or talk to a solar consultant before you buy anything
- Do not compromise on quality for saving a few bucks
- Invest in the best because you are making an investment for the next 25 years.
Which Type Of Solar System Do You Need?
The answer to this question lies in two things which are:
- The system which you need
- The system which you afford.
While any of the three solar system; off-grid, on-grid and hybrid can be needed by the household, the most practical one is always the hybrid system as it can function as both the off-grid and the on-grid solar panel system. When it comes to price, the hybrid is the least affordable system as it requires the components of both the other solar systems. So, if you have the money, always go for maximum reliability. When hybrid is out of the picture, you can prefer on-grid for Net Metering or off-grid for backup through batteries.
How Important Is Connecting To The Grid?
Well connecting to the grid is important as the Solar System only works during the day and you cannot install batteries to provide you backup throughout the night. The grid acts as a supplement as well as a storage area for the solar system via net metering. Yes, net metering is a reality and does not matter how much of a miracle it may seem like but it is not always the right solution. When you are living in remote areas where there is no grid in the proximity, installing an on-grid system is the stupidest investment one can make. The right choice would be to stay off the grid with a system of batteries that can provide you with necessary backup.
Why Professional Installation Is Necessary?
There are many DIY solar panel installation videos on YouTube that you can watch to install your solar system without any professional help of charges. Isn’t it good? No, it isn’t because it involves many risks such as unfit installation, risk of electric shocks, fires and even short circuits. You might end up wasting more than you thought to have saved. Professional installation services ensure that everything goes perfectly well and your investment is saved. Apart from that Premier Energy also offers free of cost after-sales services for a whole year.
How Long Will Solar Panels Last?
The usual performance warranty of solar panels system is of up to 25 years but they usually work beyond that. It can be said to be a lifetime investment and your future generation are definitely going to benefit from it. You can get return on your investment within 4-5 years and the rest of time is free for you.
Will Solar Panels Be Harmful For My Roof?
No, the solar panels are actually beneficial for your roof as they also act as a protective shield against climatic conditions saving your roof from hailstorms, rain and solar radiations. They also act as insulators providing insulation effect during cold and hot weathers.
What Is The Right Time To Get Solar System?
The whole year is a perfect time to get solar system because they work fine in every climate. The weather does not bother their performance a lot. However, as far as Pakistan is concerned, the prime time is the winters as it will help you to get ready for summers by installing the system and getting a net metering system. It usually takes up to 90 days to get your net meter and so if you get your system in winters you will have it installed before summer arrives. You will also have earned credits by that time.
Now if you still have any questions, feel free to Contact Us as our solar consultants would love to help you choose and get your solar system.
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